How to Self Care (for Pink Warriors)


Ask five people what self care means to them, and you may get five different responses. The truth is that taking care of ourselves means something unique to each one of us. As women we are also often taking care of everyone else before even thinking of taking care of ourselves. When faced with a breast cancer diagnosis, the need to be good to yourself becomes urgent.

We set out to start a conversation about what self care means to women. As expected, we got different responses. Here is our celebration of women being good to ourselves, and using that self care as fuel to move forward no matter what challenges we may face.

Relaxing & Reading Time

The simplest moments can often be the most satisfying. Delegate and ask for help, so that you can have a few hours of peace to yourself -- because there are few things as amazing as curling up with a good book.


Pampering Yourself

Sometimes you just need to feel beautiful. Why not transform your bedroom and bathroom into a beautiful pink oasis where you can indulge in and reconnect with your femininity - whatever that means to you!


Time With The Ones You Love

The sweetest moments that fill our hearts are often right in front of us. It’s just a matter of being present enough to witness them, side by side with those we love the most.


Surrounding Yourself With Beauty

Spend time admiring and in gratitude for the beauty that is already around you. It’s here to teach us and remind us of all that we do have, and it can change our perspective immediately.


Every year since 2012, we have partnered with the National Breast Cancer Foundation to donate All this month, when you purchase a Pink Mystique Orchid, we will make a donation to the National Breast Cancer Foundation.

Stay strong and take good care, #PinkWarriors

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