The Nature of being Resilient

So, this year hasn’t exactly panned out the way we planned in our vision boards... but let’s take a moment to turn something negative in our lives and actively change it into something positive. We are resilient, but in order to make any positive changes in our lives we must first believe that we have the ability to do so, whether it be to change our skincare routine or diet we must believe that a better outcome is possible. 


New beginnings take shape in the most unexpected ways. When orchids are no longer producing flowers, many people make the mistake of throwing them away because “it’s dead.” But these orchids are just lying dormant, taking its time to replenish its energy and nutrients to bloom again. They can remain this way for six-to-eight months and during this time you must continue to care for it as if it were still in full bloom.

We are not in the same positions we were six months ago and it can get frustrating at times but we must continue to go to work, exercise, and communicate with our loved ones in order to maintain some sense of stability until we adapt to our new normal. During this time, it is important to stay consistent in your routine because just in a few months’ time, you will re-bloom.

Orchids can re-bloom as many as two or three times a year with the proper care. If your orchid is struggling to bloom again, try changing its pot ingredients; it might need more space to grow. Make sure its environment maintains a mild temperature to assure it does not get too hot or too cold. Also maintain a consistent watering schedule of once every one-to-two weeks and keep your orchid away from any direct sunlight.


So, like orchids, making some simple adjustments in our daily lives can go a long way! We can always look forward to positive new beginnings even after a long dormant period.

Miklos Bartha