Beginner tips: Taking your orchid home for the first time

You have questions and we have answers! We want to ensure that you can enjoy your orchids for years and years to come.

Houseplants boomed in popularity since quarantine because buying houseplants is the easiest way to bring nature indoors. Luckily, orchids are great beginner plants for new plant parents!


After purchasing your orchids from a retailer, avoid watering it immediately as it should already be properly watered but just in case, check its roots for dryness.


We recommend watering your orchids once a week as a benchmark, but orchids potted in sphagnum moss retain water more than orchids potted in bark so be weary of overwatering.

Our preferred method to water your orchid is the dipping method. Start by filling a container of water, remove your orchid from its decorative ceramic pot and dip it into the water while it’s still in its plastic grow pot. Let the excess water drain from the orchid and return it to its decorative pot.


Always remember to keep your orchid away from direct sunlight! Your orchids can get sunburnt too 😱 🌞 Plus, keep your orchid away from any cold drafts, orchids do best in temperate environments!


If you buy your orchid and immediately find that there is something wrong, please, contact your retailer!

Avid overcomplicating your life; taking care of plants relaxes your mind and body so sit back and enjoy your beautiful new Silver Vase orchid. πŸ’

Miklos Bartha